Small Miracle Application

About the Program

Small Miracles are intended to bring hope, inspiration and excitement for the child and their family during cancer treatment. Since everybody is inspired by different things, Small Miracles requests vary greatly from child-to-child and family-to-family, and therefore can be virtually anything that fulfills that objective!

A new toy? A local family outing? New clothing? Gift cards? The possibilities are endless! Get creative and apply today.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Child was diagnosed with cancer on or before their 18th birthday and is actively being treated before their 21st birthday.
  • Child has not been a previous recipient of a Small Miracle or Travel for Treatment Assistance from Endure to Cure.
  • Parent or guardian will agree to provide a photo with/during their Small Miracle in addition to some written feedback to Endure to Cure within a week so we can feature the story to our supporters.
  • As a general rule of thumb, most Small Miracles usually cost $300 or less. Based on resources, Small Miracles that require more funds and/or resources to fulfill may take longer to fulfill.
  • We do not accept requests that involve out-of-town travel.

Apply Today!

Patient Information 
Please provide information that helps us get to know your child and his or her cancer story.
Family Information
Please check all that apply.
Please be as specific as possible!
Please provide information such as date of onset, treatment status, family dynamics, economic situation and any other information that would be helpful as we evaluate your application.
Hospital Information
Small Miracle Request
Please be as specific and detailed as possible to help us expedite your request.