Beneficiary Family Outings to Wrigley Field
Back in 2014, we hosted what turned out to be an incredibly well-received group outing >
endure to cure is an award-winning pediatric cancer foundation that brings hope, inspiration and financial assistance to children in cancer treatment and their families.
every three minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer
of a family’s income will be spent on uninsurable cancer-related expenses
is the average cost of cancer treatment for one child
of children do not have an oncologist within 50 miles of their home
cancer kills more children than any other disease
Hearing the words, “your child has cancer” makes a cure feel distant and empty. Our programs provide an emotional and financial boost at a time when it is needed most.
The day-to-day toll that cancer takes on a family can be brutal. Our programs provide kids and their families with a sense of normalcy during their treatment.
Kids receive inspiration which gives them the courage to continue fighting while their parents can feel happier and more optimistic. Donors quickly see how they became somebody’s hero.
We help provide access to life-saving cancer treatments.
Our Travel for Treatment Assistance Program helps families organize and fund the various expenses associated with the travel to their child’s treatment such as food, airfare, car rentals, gasoline, and lodging.
Many families do not live near hospitals with the ability to treat children with cancer. In fact, nearly 60% of children diagnosed with cancer must travel over 50 miles to get to their nearest oncologist. Unlike the direct costs of cancer treatments, which are insurable or able to be financed, treatment-related travel expenses must be incurred immediately and directly out-of-pocket, often putting massive strain on families.
Hope and inspiration when a cure feels distant and empty.
Small Miracles are uplifting gifts and experiences that enrich lives by bringing hope, strength, and joy. Small Miracles are wide ranging but often include family outings, various types of events, toys, surprise hospital visits, and more.
The theme we hear from kids who receive a Small Miracle is that these uplifting gifts and experiences restore hope and provide courage to fight harder against their illnesses. Parents consistently share stories of how their family bonds are strengthened and their optimism for better days ahead is repaired. Many medical professionals believe that Small Miracles can positively influence a child’s physical health condition. That is why Small Miracles are important.
Over half of children with cancer do not have an oncologist within 50 miles of their home.
Back in 2014, we hosted what turned out to be an incredibly well-received group outing >
We provide small but personal impact. We help kids and their families celebrate the here and now.
We’re on a mission to bring hope, inspiration, and assistance to every child fighting through cancer treatments. Our Team E2C members have done some pretty amazing things to help our kids and are thinking of new things every day. What will you do?
Make checks payable to Endure to Cure. If you’re donating to somebody fundraising for Team Endure to Cure, sponsoring a specific program or want to direct your donation to our operating costs, then please write that in the memo of your check.
Tax receipts will be mailed within four weeks after the donation has been processed.
We accept international donations in the form of bank issued money orders in USD. Money orders should be made payable to Endure to Cure and can be mailed to the address below. For donations over $6,000, we also accept wire transfers; email support@enduretocure.org for more information.
Please note, only donations from within the U.S. are tax-deductible.
We’re able to accept donations in the form of stock, government (including municipal) debt and corporate debt through the Depository Trust Company (DTC). For security, settlement and reduced paperwork, electronic transfer through the DTC is preferred. This can be arranged from most brokerage accounts.
Please contact support@enduretocure.org in advance so your stock donation can be easily tracked for tax purposes.
Endure to Cure
Attention: Donations
1201 N. Orange St.
Suite 700-7089
Wilmington, DE 19801
EIN: 45-2861060
Endure to Cure is a 501 (c)(3)